Chemicals & Weedkillers

Code: 6311
Cost effective control of emerged weeds in industrial and amenity areas, Glyphosate m...
£54.95 Ex VAT
Code: 6190
•Total weedkiller for grasses and broad-leaf weeds •Used on areas such as roadside...
£59.95 Ex VAT
Code: 6319
• Stronger version of Roundup ProActive • Total weedkiller for grasses and...
£79.95 Ex VAT

Chikara® 50g

Code: 6310
Code: 6310
•Long lasting total weed killer that controls most annual and perennial weeds for up...
£89.95 Ex VAT
Code: 6192
•Barrier acting non-selective total herbicide •Used for the control of a wide rang...
£179.95 Ex VAT
Code: 6197
Enforcer Selective Weed Killer is a 4-way selective herbicide for managed amenity tur...
£69.95 Ex VAT
Code: 6222
Product Icade 1L Selective Herbicide Brand Icade Per...
£51.45 Ex VAT

SBK 1 litre

Code: 6194
Code: 6194
•Selective weedkiller for brambles, nettles, dock, woody weeds, hardwood saplings an...
£23.95 Ex VAT

Hilite® 750ml

Code: 6201
Code: 6201
•Technically-advanced, non-irritant TDC herbicide which is rain-fast within one hour...
£35.75 Ex VAT

Dual® 750ml

Code: 6271
Code: 6271
•The only residual herbicide approved for use on both hard and soft surfaces. •Long...
£36.45 Ex VAT
Code: 6204
•Essential to maintain the performance of your Nomix TDC applicator •Specifically f...
£14.95 Ex VAT
Code: 6320
•Fast, safe and highly effective tree stump killer •Can be used in a variety of are...
£84.95 Ex VAT